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Marie & Don Ruzicka


Don and Marie moved to the Killam area in 1983 with their three young children to farm the “home place” of Don’s grandparents: Sunrise Farm. They pursued conventional farming for 12 years, but felt it lacked the quality of life that they had envisioned. After learning about holistic management, they began the process of ecological stewardship that has made Sunrise Farm the resilient, diverse and productive space it is today.

Brenda Bohmer


For the past 23 years, Brenda has been growing grain and oilseeds on her farm in Camrose County near Bawlf, Alberta. Most recently, Brenda has been inspired to make a shift in her relationship with the land. She is adopting a more holistic approach to land care by prioritizing the preservation and restoration of wetlands, riparian areas and wildlife habitats.

Raj Rathnavalu


Raj is the co-founder and president of Newo Global Energy, a non-profit social enterprise specializing in education and solar PV installation, as well as energy auditing, permaculture gardening and water conservation services. He is also the co-founder of the Spirit of the Land program that brought Augustana students out to workshops at Sunrise Farm.

Treva Olson


Treva has a longstanding passion for land and conservation. She grew up in Edgerton, Alberta, and experienced family farming firsthand. For decades she has supported environmental organizations, and helped to found the Waste Reduction Action Committee in Camrose. She is also the co-founder of the Hospice Society of Camrose and District. Treva is a strong believer in healthy communities and co-operative action.

Margaret Rathnavalu


Margaret is an old timer when it comes to land and a passion for the environment. She grew up in Duhamel, Alberta, on a family farm with her mother, brother and father. A lifelong learner, Margaret has taught in Peace River, Bigstone Band in Desmarais, Camrose and Zambia with Cuso. Of Metis heritage, she considers her greatest learning to be alongside others as we transition the prairies through the largest land transfer since Treaty.

Takota Coen


Takota was born, raised and now helps steward Grass Roots Family Farm where his family has been transforming their 250 acre farm into an agro-ecological oasis since 1988. When he is not busy farming, Takota works to empower others with the tools and resources to design, implement, and manage resilient living systems that are Earth restorative. He holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from The Permaculture Research Institute, a Holistic Management Certificate from HMI, and a Red Seal Certificate for Carpentry.

Celine Gauthier


Celine's love for nature and unfailing faith in the Sunrise Cooperative project has made her the teams' unofficial cheerleader. Fuelled by a passion to preserve the prairies for future generations, her spirit is an inspiration to the group.

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28 Grand Park Cres., Camrose, AB T4V 2K4






